A New Edition

19th September, 2022 update


This page is devoted to my edition of an 18th manuscript of 33 Solos for Viola d'amore. You can obtain the orginal manuscript here, as I did. Perhaps the person who posted this Ms on Imslp counts all 10 of the # 33 Saltus Germanici German country dances as a separate piece? Also, in IMSLP the work is labled as Baroque, but I do not find that credible. Based on the key relations and viola d'amore technique I believe the music is from 1780, or possibly a little later.


This edition is free to download for non-commercial use thanks to the generous support of donors to my gofundme campaign. Thanks to all of them.

I assert my ownership of my edition for commercial uses. Copyright © by Thomas Georgi, 2 Sept, 2022


Here is a link to my edition: Dresden Mus. 2R2, facsimile with modern scores including a reconstruction of the missing bass part.


I would be very interested and grateful to hear of mistakes, broken links, questions, suggestions about the edition. Please email me at thisisvioladamore (at) gmail.com


Here is a link to my youtube playlist of all of the music. These are home recordings, with my reconstructed bass part played by me on a viola with octave strings. For an example of my commercially recorded work here is a link to the complete works of Ariosti for viola d'amore.

Here are links to 32 Musescore files for each of the pieces. There are 32 instead of 33 because Polonoises (sic) 5 and 12 are nearly identical and are juxtaposed on a single page.

As Musescore is a free download, my hope is players will be able to use these files to create parts in clefs that they prefer, and also to make any changes to the reconstructed bass that they may like.

I have found that most of the links below don't work. So I have uploaded all my musescore files for the 33 solos for the viola d'amore to a google drive folder. Included in this folder are some alternate versions, so there are more than 32 files.

I'll leave this list below, as a table of contents of the manuscript. As of 2 Sept. 2022 I had all the links working.

# 1 Intrada The curious notes in bars 65 and 66 are given just as I read them in the original!

# 2 Kalandr #2

# 3 Aria

# 4 Kalandr Menue(t)

# 5/12 (Polonoise)

# 6 (Menuet) Most of the unlabeled movements look like menuets to me. This one has no trio.

# 7 Marche

# 8 (Menuetto)

# 9 Polonoise

# 10 Adagio This is a touching slow movement, which a surprise tierce de Picardy ending.

# 11 (Menuet)

# 13 Gigue This is a movement that has a lot of notes that make no sense.

# 14 Aria and an alternate solution to bar 7 Aria

# 15 (Menuetto)

# 16 Presto This is identical to a trio by Joseph Schmid - see Jappe Viola d'amore Bibliographie

# 17 Aria I have extened the final cadence

# 18 (Menuetto) Note the numbering for 18 -20 differs from that in Jappe

# 19 Polonoise

# 20 Marche Why there is a march in triple meter is one of the mysteries of this collection.

# 21 Aria

# 22 Kalander

# 23 un poco Allegro

# 24 Largo This short movement begins in the wrong key, maybe?

# 25 Menue(t) This is a fun experiment to see if the trio can be a repeat of the minuet, in minor.

# 26 Polonoise This is also an experiment, as both sections are the same but in different octaves.

# 27 Allegro In this movement the lowest A string is tuned down to a G

# 28 Adagio Although this movement is in Eb, it is played on a vda tuned in D

# 29 (Menuet) The key change to the Trio is disturbing

# 30 Fausti I have no idea what Fausti might mean

# 31 (Menuet)

# 32 (Polonoise)

# 33 Saltus Germanici or German Forest I think of it as a collection of 10 German Country Dances

This reconstructions are copyright by Thomas Georgi